Launching my web site!
Hello! I’m Nyamochi-sensei.
My hobby is enjoying drinks alone, and I started this blog to share the things I’ve learned and experienced in my daily life with you.
Since I’m still new to this, there might be some rough edges, but I’ll keep improving both my past posts and the website as I go along_(._.)_
本ブログのテーマについて About the Theme of This Blog
In this blog, I plan to share my thoughts and the insights I’ve gained through interactions with others, with “Kotodama” as the central theme.
Kotodama (言霊) refers to the mystical power or energy believed to reside in words, a concept deeply rooted in traditional Japanese thought and culture. This idea has been an integral part of Japanese spiritual culture and religious beliefs since ancient times, with the conviction that words have the power to influence reality.
コトダマの基本的な考え方 The Fundamental Concept of Kotodama
In Japanese Shinto, words of prayer and ritual chants, known as norito, are believed to hold sacred power and serve as a means of communication with the gods. This belief is also rooted in the concept of Kotodama.
言葉に力がある Words have power
The words we speak are believed to have an impact on reality and our surrounding environment. For example, positive words are thought to attract good outcomes, while negative words are believed to bring about bad results.
言葉と魂の結びつき The Connection Between Words and Soul
‘Koto’ means ‘word’ or ‘event,’ and ‘dama’ means ‘soul’ or ‘spirit.’ Because of this, it is believed that words themselves hold spiritual power or a soul.
祝詞(のりと)や祈りとの関係 The Relationship with Norito (Shinto prayers) and Prayers
In Shinto, the words of norito (Shinto prayers) and prayers are believed to have sacred power and are considered a means of communication with the gods. This belief is also based on the concept of Kotodama.
I was born and raised in Japan. I would like to share with readers the unique culture, ideas, and values that I hold dear in my life.
I would be very happy if it resonates with someone, provides comfort, or leads to new discoveries.
Although this is just my personal perspective, I hope to gradually share my thoughts.
Occasionally, I will also share things about my family or heartwarming moments, so please look forward to it!
I’m still a beginner, but through this blog, I hope to share my thoughts with readers while also growing by receiving comments from all of you.
So, if you have any experiences or thoughts you’d like to share, like “I had this experience the other day!” I would be very happy to hear them!
Thank you for reading until the end! Please feel free to come back and visit again.
See you next time!