Rokuyo is a type of calendar used in Japan and China, particularly for determining auspicious and inauspicious days.
Nowadays, it is mainly found in Japanese calendars and is often used as a reference for selecting dates for weddings and funerals.

六曜と歴中の全解説 – 吉日と凶日の違い
A Complete Guide to Rokuyo and Rekichu – Differences Between Auspicious and Inauspicious Days
Types and Meanings of Rokuyo
1. 大安(たいあん)
Taian (Great Peace)
It means “great peace” and is considered the most auspicious day.
It is suitable for weddings and moving to a new home.
2. 友引(ともびき)
Tomobiki (Friend-Pulling)
It means “pulling friends,” so it is good for celebrations but considered unsuitable for funerals.
(In some cases, crematoriums are closed on this day.)
3. 先勝(せんしょう/せんかち)
Senshou/Senkachi (First Win)
It means “those who act first will win.” The morning is considered auspicious, while the afternoon is inauspicious.
It is a good day for urgent matters.
4. 先負(せんぷ/せんまけ)
Senpu/Senmake (First Loss)
It means “those who act first will lose.” The morning is considered inauspicious, while the afternoon is auspicious.
It is best to avoid haste and act cautiously on this day.
5. 赤口(しゃっこう/しゃっく)
Shakkou/Shakku (Red Mouth)
The character “red” is associated with fire and blood, making this an inauspicious day.
However, the period from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM is considered auspicious.
6. 仏滅(ぶつめつ)
Butsumetsu (Buddha’s Demise)
It is said to be the day when even Buddha perishes and is considered the most inauspicious day in Rokuyo.
Weddings and other celebrations are often avoided, but some people see it as a fresh start and choose to register their marriage on this day.
Rules for Determining Rokuyo
Rokuyo is determined based on the dates of the lunar calendar.
The following rules apply:
• 旧暦の1日:先勝
• 1st day of the lunar month: Senshou (First Win)
• 旧暦の2日:友引
• 2nd day of the lunar month: Tomobiki (Friend-Pulling)
• 旧暦の3日:先負
• 3rd day of the lunar month: Senpu (First Loss)
• 旧暦の4日:仏滅
• 4th day of the lunar month: Butsumetsu (Buddha’s Demise)
• 旧暦の5日:大安
• 5th day of the lunar month: Taian (Great Peace)
• 旧暦の6日:赤口
• 6th day of the lunar month: Shakkou (Red Mouth)
This cycle continues for a month (30 days) and repeats from the beginning if the month exceeds 31 days.
As a result, in the modern Gregorian calendar, the specific dates for Rokuyo change every year.
Rokuyo originally derived from a Chinese time-based fortune-telling system but developed uniquely in Japan and became widely popular after the Edo period.
However, there is no scientific basis for Rokuyo; it is merely considered a superstition for bringing good luck.
When you pay attention to Rokuyo, you might feel like there are fewer good days, making it hard.
This may be related to the unique way of thinking that Rokuyo embodies, as well as the underlying philosophy of the calendar itself.
The Thinking Behind Rokuyo
The original purpose of Rokuyo is said to be not to regard good or bad luck as absolute, but to raise awareness of timing.
For example,
• 先勝(午前が吉、午後が凶) → 物事を早く決断することの重要性
• Senshou (Morning is good, afternoon is bad) → The importance of making decisions quickly.
• 先負(午前が凶、午後が吉) → 焦らず冷静に行動することの大切さ
• Senpu (Morning is bad, afternoon is good) → The importance of acting calmly without haste.
• 赤口(正午のみ吉) → 一日の中でも最適な時間帯がある
• Shakkou (Only noon is good) → There is an optimal time during the day.
There may be an underlying idea that there is an optimal timing for everything.
Life isn’t always smooth, but the lesson seems to be that it’s important not to always seek good days, but to “read the flow and act accordingly.”
The Background Behind the Determination of Calendar Dates
The way Rokuyo is determined, as explained earlier, starts with Senshou on the first day of the old calendar and follows a cycle, but there are many other elements involved in the formation of the calendar beyond just Rokuyo.
- 十干十二支(干支)
1. Tenkan-Junishi (The Ten Heavenly Stems and the Twelve Earthly Branches)
→ 暦の基本には「十干(じっかん)」と「十二支(じゅうにし)」の組み合わせ(十干十二支)が使われていて、60年で一巡します。例えば2025年は「乙巳(きのとみ)」の年です。
The foundation of the calendar uses a combination of the Ten Heavenly Stems (Jikkan) and the Twelve Earthly Branches (Junishi), which completes a cycle every 60 years. For example, the year 2025 is the year of “Kino-to-mi.”
It is also said to be involved in the determination of daily good and bad luck.
- 二十四節気
2. Twenty-four Solar Terms
→ 古代中国で生まれた季節の指標で、1年を24の節目に分けています。
This is a seasonal marker originating from ancient China, dividing the year into 24 segments.
Examples of these include “Risshun” (the start of spring), “Geshi” (summer solstice), and “Tōji” (winter solstice).
These changes determined the timing for people’s lives and agricultural activities.
- 九星気学(九星術)
3. Kyūsei Kigaku (Nine Star Astrology)
→ 九つの星(九星)が年・月・日ごとに巡る考え方。
This is the concept of nine stars (Kyūsei) that rotate based on the year, month, and day.
It is commonly used in fortune-telling, particularly for determining personal fortunes and auspicious or inauspicious directions.
These elements are intricately intertwined in the creation of the Japanese calendar.
In other words, not only Rokuyo, but the entire calendar may have been designed to help people “discern the flow of time and take the best course of action.”
Why Does It Have a “Harsh” Impression?
When Rokuyo spread among the common people during the Edo period, it gradually became viewed more as a “superstition,” and the concepts of good and bad luck began to be simplified.
As a result, it became simplified to “Tai-an = good” and “Butsumetsu = bad.”
But originally, I believe the message was more along the lines of “luck has its ups and downs,” and “things may not always be perfect, but proper actions will lead to success.”
Thus, while it teaches that life doesn’t always go as planned, it may also impart the wisdom that “if you act according to the right timing, you can turn fortune in your favor.”
Today, the calendar is often used as a tool for a convenient lifestyle, but originally, it may have been a way to cultivate “wisdom for living in harmony with nature” and “a sense of recognizing the right timing.”
The “Ichiryū Manbai-bi” (One Grain, Ten Thousand Fold Day) and “Ten-on-bi” (Heaven’s Grace Day) are classified as different types of calendar annotations (Rekichū) from Rokuyo.
While Rokuyo follows a fixed cycle that repeats every day, these auspicious and inauspicious days are determined by different rules.
What is “Rekicho” (Calendar Annotations)?
Rekicho refers to annotations in calendars that indicate auspicious and inauspicious days, as well as fortunes.
Rokuyo is one type of Rekicho, but there are many others.
One of the most well-known types is called “Senjitsu” (Selected Days).
Major Auspicious Days
1. 一粒万倍日(いちりゅうまんばいび)
Ichiryumanbaibi (A Day of Great Multiplication)
This is an extremely lucky day that means “a single grain will multiply ten thousand times.”
It is a good day to start a new job, open a business, buy a new wallet, or begin saving money.
However, if you take on debt or waste money, it is said that those negative effects will also multiply.
2. 天赦日(てんしゃにち)
Tensha-nichi (Day of Heaven’s Forgiveness)
This is considered the most auspicious day, as it is believed that “heaven forgives all sins.”
Since it only occurs five to six times a year, it is considered highly special, and anything started on this day is believed to prosper.
3. 天恩日(てんおんにち)
Tenon-nichi (Day of Heaven’s Blessings)
This is a day to receive heaven’s blessings, making it especially good for weddings and celebrations.
It often lasts for several days.
4. 母倉日(ぼそうにち)
Bosou-nichi (Day of Motherly Nurturing)
This is a day when everything progresses in a positive direction, just like a mother nurturing her child.
It is especially auspicious for weddings and moving to a new home.
5. 大明日(だいみょうにち)
Daimyo-nichi (Day of Great Clarity)
This is a highly auspicious day when the sun’s light shines everywhere, bringing good fortune to all matters.
It is particularly suitable for travel and construction.
Major Inauspicious Days
1. 不成就日(ふじょうじゅび)
Fujoujubi (Day of Unfulfilled Wishes)
This is a day when nothing started will come to fruition.
It is not suitable for important contracts or making wishes.
2. 受死日(じゅしにち)
Jushi-nichi (Day of Receiving Death)
This is considered a highly inauspicious day, known as the “Day of Receiving Death.”
It is advised to avoid anything other than funerals on this day.
3. 三隣亡(さんりんぼう)
Sanrinbou (Three Neighbor Calamity Day)
This is a construction-specific inauspicious day, believed that starting construction on this day will bring disaster to three neighboring houses.
Differences Between Rokuyo and Senjitsu
• 六曜は、旧暦の1日から順番に回る固定のサイクルで決まります。
The Rokuyo cycle is determined by a fixed rotation starting from the first day of the lunar calendar.
• 選日(吉日・凶日)は、天文学や干支の組み合わせなどをもとに計算され、年ごと・月ごとに変わります。
Senjitsu (auspicious and inauspicious days) are calculated based on astronomy and the combination of the zodiac signs, changing each year and month.
In other words, dates like Ichiryumanbaibi and Tensha-nichi vary each year, so there is no “absolute best day.” Instead, people often consider Rokuyo and other calendar annotations together when determining auspiciousness.
How to Interpret Combinations
例えば、「一粒万倍日 × 仏滅」の日があった場合、
For example, if a day falls on both Ichiryumanbaibi and Butsumetsu:
• 「一粒万倍日だから何かを始めるのに良い」
• 「でも仏滅だから、やめたほうがいい?」
“It’s Ichiryumanbaibi, so it’s a good day to start something.”
“But it’s also Butsumetsu, so should I avoid it?”
Some people may feel conflicted about what to do.
In reality, the influence of auspicious days (Senjitsu) and the fortune-telling aspect of Rokuyo do not necessarily follow the same rules. Some people prioritize Ichiryumanbaibi even if it falls on Butsumetsu.
On the other hand, if it coincides with Fujoujubi (Day of Unfulfilled Wishes), people may avoid it, believing that the auspicious effects will be canceled out.
How Should We Use the Calendar?
There is no scientific basis for the auspicious and inauspicious aspects of the calendar; they are purely based on traditional beliefs.
Therefore, rather than overthinking it, it may be best to use it as a guide—for example, letting auspicious days give you a push forward and being more cautious on inauspicious days.

I had never been the type to pay much attention to the calendar, but around last summer, I happened to come across a YouTube video, and since then, I’ve been watching it every day.
At first, I was just casually watching it without much thought, but little by little, I started putting into practice the things introduced in the videos.
What started out as mere curiosity gradually turned into action, perhaps because I began to find some meaning or value in it for myself.
In Japanese traditions and customs, there is an aspect of cherishing small daily habits to bring balance to the mind and improve fortune.
For example, avoiding going out in dirty shoes or cleaning windows isn’t just about “bringing good luck”—rather, I feel they can be seen as wisdom for leading a more pleasant life.
At some point, I realized that what mattered more than feeling an increase in luck was simply feeling good within myself.
That’s why I continue this habit.
If you only seek results like “Does this work?” or “Will this bring me good luck?”, you might give up when you don’t see visible changes.
But beyond that, I’ve come to value the feeling of “this makes me feel good” or “somehow it brings me balance,” and it has naturally become a habit.
Luck and good fortune may not be about causing big changes, but rather about adjusting our daily mindset and actions.
If continuing these habits allows me to feel more at ease in my daily life, then I believe that alone is valuable enough!
See you next time!